July Newsletter

Cam’s Corner
No. 1 July 2024

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for joining us for Wool & Dye Works first monthly “Cam’s Corner” newsletter. Every month I will be highlighting what is going on at the shop.

While it is brutally hot outside, we are planning fall classes, organizing the shop and thinking about everything wool!

Next month, on August 3rd, our amazing felting instructor, Talia Lefton, will be teaching a 3D felting class where you can make an adorable deer or another animal of your choice. There will an adult class in the morning and a “kid-friendly” one (ages 12 and up) in the afternoon. You can sign up through the website or EventBrite. 

Every Monday we plan to have a “Wool of the Week” sale where we pick one bolt of wool which will be on sale for the entire week. You can come in or purchase on line as much of the bolt as you’d like. Every Friday for 24 hours we will be “Fabulous Fiber Friday” where we choose an item that you can purchase at a ridiculously low price until supplies run out. Check it out early in the day! 

This month, we will be working on instructional videos for our upcoming YouTube channel. Our plan is to start with rug hooking and break it out into small, easily digestible segments. We will discuss everything from the history of rug hooking to the various ways of finishing your pieces. If you have something you would like us to cover in relation to hooking, please let me know. You can submit requests here: info@woolanddyeworks.com. Stay tuned for our announcement when the channel is live. 

We recently purchased some beautiful vintage wool! There is some on the bolt, worms for hooking and rolls for rug braiding. Come check it out before it it gone! Once what we have is gone, we will not be able to get any more. As quantities are limited, we will not have them listed on the web site although you may see one or two featured on the “Wool of the Week”. 

Have you seen our “Sweetheart Squares”? These are approximately 7” x 7” squares of Christine’s beautiful hand dyes and off the bolt pieces. Perfect for applique when you don’t want an entire fat quarter or even an eighth of fabric. I do a fair amount of applique and love matching them with the shop’s Moire wool threads. Come see the quilt hanging in the shop where I used both Christine’s dyed wool and the Moire threads. It is a block of the month quilt with each block representing an item for the month of the year. We hope to have kits available in the fall for it. 

As you can see, we are busy. Check in on the 15th of each month to see what we are up to at the shop. If you have something you would like me to discuss in the newsletters, let me know. 

In the meantime, stay cool!


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